£ s. d.
ffor every peticon of Denization 00 05 00
ffor every ordr thereupon 00 05 00
ffor every peticon relateing to any other matter, 00 05 00
ffor every ordr of Councill thereupon not 00 05 00
exceeding one side
if the peticon or ordr exceed one side then for 00 01 04
every side above the first
ffor every Commisso for a Collonell 01 00 00
ffor a Majors Commisso 00 15 00
ffor every Capt Ltt or Ensignes Comisso 00 10 00
ffor every Commisso of review ad revidendu. 02 00 00
Coppy the same as Entring
At a Councill held at St Peters the 10th Day of ffebry 1679:
p ordr and appointmt of the Rtt Honble the Lord Propry where
were prsent
Philip Calvert Esqr Chancelor
Vincent Lowe Esqr Survey: Genll
The Honble Coll. Benjamin Rozer Esqr
Ltt Coll Henry Darnall Esqr
George Talbott Esqr
Capt. William Digges Esqr
Severall mutinous and seditious speeches (tending to the
breach of Lspps: peace within this Province) haveing been
lately uttered by Doctor James Barree severall evidences to
the same were this Day called and examined upon oath (viz)
Thomas Bennett saies that on Tuesday the 30th of Decemb:
last at night he came from on board shipp to Capt. Coodes
house on Wiccocomico River, where he found Dr James
Barree and severall other psons in Compa but how long they
had been there he knowes not, that he believes the said Barree
might be something in Drink, that said Barre hott in dis-
course with Mr Rosewell one of the Compa told him that he
was excommunicated for keepeing his Xmas with Hereticks,
and seemed to be very angry with Rosewell for being there,
and told him that he the said Barree was sent thither p some
psons to take notice of his words, at wch Rosewell shewed
much anger, Barree then further told him that there was now