you our said Brother And so to Remayne and Continue Doe
and Exercise all and singuler the premisses till wee shall sig-
nifie our Will and pleasure to the Contrary. Given under
hand and Greater Seale at Armes the Twentieth of November
in the XXXXIth yeare of our Dofnion over our said Province
of Maryland Annoq Dom 1672
By his Lopps Comand Charles Playdell
On the back side of the foregoing Comission was Endorsed
as ffolloweth.
Memorand The Oath of Cheife Judge for Probate of
wills & granting Letters of Administration was this 24th of
Aprill 1673 Taken by Phillip Calvert esqr Chancellr of this
Province before me & is as followes
Charles Calvert
I Phillip Calvert will truely and faithfully Execute the office
& place of the Judge or Comissary Generall for the proveing
of wills & graunting of Administrations, and in all other mat-
ters & causes incident and Dependent thereunto and will
Administer Justice Equally to all partyes without any parti-
allity according to the best of my skill & Judgemt soe God
Almighty helpe me and the holly Contents of that Booke.
You are upon Receipt hereof to Deliver unto the Chancellr
all such Records Papers & wryteings as any wayes Concerne
& Relate to the Probate of wills and graunting of Adminis-
tracons, and also to take a List of what Records and other
wrytings you shall Deliver, with the Chancellrs Receipt, under
the same, for all which this shalbe your sufficient order, from
under my hand this 24th of Aprill 1673
Charles Calvert