At a Councell held at the City of St Maries the Eight and
Twentieth Day of March 1679:
The Rtt Honble the Lord Propry
The Honble C Philip Calvert Esqr Chancelor
William Calvert Esqr Secry
The Present Clk: of the Councell being at Manahowickes
Neck in Wiccocomico River Thomas Grunwin was sent for to
Officiate in the sd Clks: absence and accordingly sworne.
Coll: Vincent Lowe being sent for to attend the Board, the
Lord Propry desired the said Lowe to take the Oath of Chan-
cellor wch he accordingly Did and tooke his place at the board.
After which was read a Commission for the Peace for the
severall Countys of this Province, and the same being
approoved off by the Board It was Ordered that (in regard
the said Commisso ought to have been published the 8th Day
of this prsent March) it should beare Date that same Day, and
then passe undr the greate Seale of this Province, least the
Justices for the severall Countyes should by mistake imagine
the abovesd Commissr was Determined.
A Peticon of Garrett Vansweeringens was then read, but
the Debate thereof referred untill the next Councell Day.
At a Councell held at Manahowickes Neck in Wiccocomico
River the Eight and Twentieth Day of Aprill in the ffourth
yeare of the Dominion of the Rtt Honble Charles &ca over this
Province Annoq Dmi. 1679
The Lord Propry Chancelor
Secry Prsent
Coll. Rozer
Where Capt ffrancis Partis Comandr of the Shipp Mrchants
Consent of Lond: being summoned to give in his Evidence
concerning some scandalous speeches that had been uttered
by Capt Josias ffendall of Charles County, himself, and others
touching his Lspp:) was Examined upon Oath and Deposed as
foll: viz.
That about the Latter End of the moneth of ffebruary last
he this Depont together with Mr William Barrett being at the
house of Capt Josias ffendall in Charles County he this Depo-
nent heard the said ffendall say that he had been much
troubled and had greatly suffered in his Estate that now (he
hoped) the time was comeing that he might have an oportu-
nity to right himself then they fell into discourse concerning