236 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1678-1.679.
Lib. R. R.
Neck on the North side of Pocomoke River; whereon a great
number of Indians doe live, also that there is a Neck of Land
called Quapanquah Containing about three thousand Acres
lying on the South side of Pocomoke River in the County
aforesaid whereon Indians are seated One other neck of Land
called Parrahockon Containing about two thousand Acres
whereon is built a small Indian Towne by a Creeke of Poco-
moke River that Trencheth out of the North side of the said
River A.nd that there are severall Indians seated in a neck of
Land lying on the South side of Wiccocomoco in Somersett
County aforesaid att Tundotenake which part of our Mannor
And also that there is neck of Land of a Considerable
quantity of acres whereon Indians are seated lying on the
north side of Wiccocomoco River by a Creeke called Cotting-
hams Creeke. Also that there is a Neck of Land called
p. 166
Puckamee which lyes on the South or Eastermost side of
Nantecoke River in Somersett County aforesaid and on the
North side of Barren Creeke containing about fifteen hundred
Acres whereon Indians live and also that severall Indians lives
att Chiccacene on the North or westermost side of Nante-
coke River in Dorchester County which is part of our Mannor
there And whereas a firme League or peace is concluded on
betwixt us and the said Indians, & for the preservacon whereof
we by and with the advice of our Councell have thought fitt
and doe hereby Publish Proclaime and declare that no person
or persons whatsoever inhabiting within Our said Province of
Maryland doe att any tyme for the future molest trouble or
disturb any of the Indians that are seated On the neck of
Land called Asbincenebonson, Quapomquah, Parrahocben,
Puckamee, Tundotanck and the neck of Land by Cotting-
hams Creeke But that the aforesaid Indians may peaceably
and quietly seat live and inhabit there without lett or moles-
tacon untill we shall advise with Our upper and lower houses
att our next Generall Assembly Concerning the same And
that no person or persons whatsoever doe in the interim pre-
sume to seat live or inhabit backward into the woods within
three Miles of any of the aforesaid necks of Land Hereof all
persons are to take notice att their utmost Perill Given att our
Citty of Saint Maryes under the Great Seale of our said Pro-
vince of Maryland the Thirteenth day of March in the fourth
yeare of our Dominion &c Annoq Domini One thousand six
hundred Seaventy Eight.
Lib. R.
p. 74
At a Conference held at Manahowickes Neck the 19th Day
of March in the ffourth yeare of the Dominion of the Rtt
Honble Charles &ca Annoq. Dmi. 1678: betweene the Rtt
Honble the Lord Propry & the honble Thomas Notley Esqr his