Whereupon Ordered that summons for Simon Perden and
Warrant for Anthony Hart and Thomas Price be directed to
the Sheriff of Se Maries County to have them before his Lspps
Councell Monday the 10th instant at 3 a Clock in the After-
noone, viz.
You are hereby willed and Required to summon Simon
Perden of the Balywick that all excuses sett apart he be and
psonally appeare before his Lspps Councell on Monday next
the Tenth instant by three of the Clock precisely afternoone
to testifie the truth of his knowledge unto such matters and
things as shall be then and there propounded unto him.
Whereof faile not Dated the Eighth Day of March Anno
1678: Signed p ordr
J Llewellin Ch Consil
To Capt Gerrard Slye High Sheriff of
St Maries County or his Deputy
You are hereby willed and Required to take into y' Cus-
tody Anthony Hart and Thomas Price soe that you have their
Bodyes before his Lspps Councell on Monday next the Tenth
instant by three of the Clock precisely afternoone then and
there to make answer unto such things as shall be alleadged
agt them. Whereof faile not. Dated the Eighth Day of
March Anno 1678: Signed p ordr
To Capt Gerrard Slye High Sher. J Llewellin Cl. Consil:
of St Maries County or his Deputy
At a Councell held at the same Place as on Satturday last,
Where present this Tenth Day of March Anno 1678 :
The Rtt Honble the Ld Propry and the Rest as on Saturday
His Lspp: and the Councell haveing taken into further con-
sideration the Disposeall of the Offices of Sher. in the Sev-
erall Counties of this Province Doe positively ordr therein as
foll. viz.
ffirst for Calvert Capt Bourne being made choice of by his
Lspp: & the Councell the last time the same was in Debate,
they haveing further considered sd Bournes incapacity (by
reason of his lameness) to manage that Office, Doe appoint
Capt Richard Ladd Sher. of that County for the ensueing
yeare, in roome of Capt Darnall.
Anne Arrundell, Robert ffrancklyn, (according to the former
result of the Councell) to be sheriff of that County, in roome
of Mr Welsh.