Burdett be Empowered to summon Anthony Evans of St.
Maries County (who the said Burdett did alleadge was in
Company when the said Smith Spoke the words) to appeare
before the Councell to morrow three a Clock afternoone and
that he the said Burdett Doe also give his attendance. The
following Ordr did accordingly issue forth directed to the said
Burdett, viz
You are hereby willed and Required to summon Anthony
Evans of yr County to appeare before his Lspps Councell at the
Honble the Chancelors house to morrow three of the Clock
afternoone to testifie the truth of his Knowledge to such
matters as shall be then and there propounded to him, Dated
the 7th Day of March Anno 1678: Signed p ordr
J Llewellin Cl. Concil:
To Mr John Burdett of St
Maries County These.
Capt Gerrard Slye high Sheriff of St Maries County is
Ordred by the Councell to take into custody Thomas Smith of
St Maries County soe that he have him before the Councell
to morrow afternoone 3 a Clock.
Warrant also Directed to Mr John ffawkes of Calvert
County to take into custody William Person and to bring him
before the Councell at the same time. Wch is as foll: viz.
Charles Absolute Lord and Propry of the Province of Mary-
land & Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &ca To Mr John
ffawkes of Calvert County Greeteing We comand you that you
take William Person of yor County soe that you have his
Body before his Lspps Councell at the house of the honble Philip
Calvert Esqr to morrow by three of the Clock afternoone to
answer unto such things as shall be then and there alleadged
agt him hereof faile not and have you there this precept.
Given undr my hand & Seale this 7th Day of March Anno Dmi.
Signed Will locus sigilli Calvert
[County Courts.]