202 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1676-1678.
Lib. R.
may be cast upon us, and to make knowne that we doe not
tolerate uphold or justifie the said Sheriffes in such their inso-
lencies and absurdities I Doe hereby by and with the advice
and consent of his Lopps: Councell pnounce and Declare that
such illegall pceedings have noe waies been willfully Suffered
or connived at by my self and his Lopps Councell or any of
us but have been acted contrary to mine or their knowledge
not haveing been truly informed of the same otherwise should
have taken timely care to prevent the progress thereof
Desireing and Endeavouring nothing more then to maintain
and uphold the peace and quiett of the Province and to keepe
and preserve the Inhabitants from all and all manner of
Oppression whoever. Wherefore if any psons have been
aggreived in the prmisses I Doe by and wth the advice and
consent aforesaid publish and Declare that both my Self and
his Lpps: Councell will be ready and willing at all times to
heare & receive any Complaints that shall be putt in to us,
and Doe Desire all psons concerned that have at any time
been wronged or abused p the Sheriff or other publick Officer
that they would exhibitt their information to the Justices of
the Provinciall Court or to his Lopps Attorney Gen" to the End
such course may be taken for their redress and for prevention
of the like for the future as may be needfull and as to right &
justice belongeth. And further Whereas it has been the
vsuall Custom and practice of the sevrll Sheriffes of this Prov-
ince to exact & extort the same ffees for Execution of a writt
of cap: ad Satisfac: as for an Extent or ffieri fac: contrary to
all right and good reason, I Doe by and with the advice &
consent aforesaid pronounce Declare & make knowne that
such ffees are not allowable and therefore not to be Demanded
or taken by any Sheriff within this Province But Doe hereby
will and require as also strictly charge and command all and
singular the Sheriffes of this Province to take Due cognisance
p. 51
hereof, and that they Doe not prsume to Demand ask or
receive any other or greater ffee for a writt of cap. ad Satisfac:
more then his just and Legall ffee for serving the same and
for release, together with 20l tobo p Diem imprisonmt soe long
as the pty shall actually remaine in Custody and noe more as
they will answer the contrary at their utmost perill. And
further whereas severall Sheriffes have exacted and extorted
from sever all Inhabitants of this Province an Exorbitant ffee of
One hundred and Tenn pounds of tobo for serving a Citation
from the Chancelor prtending that the same not belonging to
the Sheriffes Office, the Sheriff serving the same ought to
have an extraordinary ffee wch is altogether unreasonable &
highly burthensome to the Inhabitants. Now to prevent the
like for the future I Doe hereby by & with the advice and