that the said Welsh did illegally execute the sd Servant and
Doe therefore ordr that the said Servant be returned to the sd
Homewood, and that the sd Welsh pay to the said Homewood
the just summe of four thousand pounds of tobacco for Dam-
ages and the said Servants time five moneths in the said
Welsh's possession from the time he was first Executed.
Signed &ca
At a Councell held at John Bakers house at the Citie of
St Maries the 17th Day of October in the 3d yeare of the
Domin. of the Rtt Honble Charles &c. Annoq Domini 1678 :
Thomas Notley Esqr Governor
Philip Calvert Esqr Chancelor
William Calvert Esqr Secry
The Honble P sent
Ltt Coll. Thomas Taylor
Coll: Henry Coursey
Major Benjamin Rozer
Having recd: Divers Complaints from all parts of the Prov-
ince agt the respective Sheriffes thereof for takeing Extortious
ffees and other their illegall & tyrannicall proceedings upon
the poor Inhabitants The Governor and Councell take the