Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1676-1678. 167
ginia to speake with us in his prsence, And lett that which
you have proposed to us be as fast & firm as the Covenant
we have with the Governour genll Wee humbly thank you
that you have sent for us to speake with us in this Governmt
& doe prsent halfe a beaver.
2dly You are come here to speak with us of good things,
& we will give you a good Answer thereupon, doe give one
3dly Wee thank you that you doe bury & forgett all former
discontents & injuries, as we doe the same, & never more to
be remembred; for we know very well our people have been
offensive unto you, we desire and recommend unto you the
continuacon of the Covenant now made betwixt us, as that
which we have with the Governor genll doe give one beaver.
4thly In case any of yor Indians doe any hostility to us, we
shall acquaint you therewith, before wee take upp the ax
against them And we desire the like of you And the reason
that we plundred the English there, was their entertaining of
Lib. R. R.
those Indians that were our Enemies, but we promise never
to doe the like, doe give one beaver.
5thly Wee doe thank you for the prsents given to us, & we
shall punctually observe that which you have propounded to
us, desireing the like upon your side. Itt is concluded in our
Castle, that all the Sachims shall come here the next Summer
about the month of June to make propositions, & itt is their
earnest desire to see Col Coursey here, or some other author-
ized from his Governmt doe give a beaver.
The Cajouges Sachims answer being named viz.
Attawachret, who was Speaker
They speak as followes
1. Wee thank you for your sending for us, & for the wag-
gon we had from Schinnechtady hither, though the smallest
belt of Wampum was sent to us, we doe thank you & our
heart is good, doe give a small beaver.
2. We doe absolutely approve & continue the binnondo-
wannes answer, for our resolution was taken together, doe
give two beavers.
3. They repeat the Answer againe & shall observe that
which is propounded to them, & doe say, we thank kindely
that you have buryed all former discontents or injuries as we
doe the same, & give two lapps.
p. 136