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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1671-1681
Volume 15, Page 147   View pdf image (33K)
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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1676-1678. 147

satisfied if it were true that there were noe more Concerned
in the murdr then that pson whom they had already deld up,
That Coll: Coursey should returne back with them to Nanti-
coke and discourse with the Emperor and did hope a good
peace would Ensue, but whereas they had now brought over
two of their Indians Innocent psons, and noe waies guilty (as
they say) of any murder or misdemeanor committed towards
the English or themselves, it was given them to undrstand that
it was not our fashion to putt Innocent psons to death, but
would send them over wth Coll: Coursey who should keepe
them in Custody untill such time as the Business was fully
scanned, and whereas there was formerly two English Chil-
dren of Dickinsons and Watts taken by the Wiccomeese who
had some time lived with the Nanticokes, if then what they
have already alleadged that there are to be found noe other
murdrers then that one wch they have delivered up to us, and
if they would del. up those two Children, we would in lieu of
them returne the said two Indians, To wch they nor
Lib. R.
where those two Children were that they did Wicco-
meese had killed them, we then told them that if upon
Enquiry we shall truly find that the said two Children are not
liveing & among them, we will nevertheless deliver up the
sd two Indians as not desirous to shed Innocent blood and that
thereupon we hoped a happy Peace would Ensue, To wch they
replied that they were joyfull to be the Messengrs of this good
news to the Emperor and that he would be very glad to
Receive it.

Vpon Consideration of the prmisses it is Ordered. That
Coll: Coursey doe goe with the sd Indians over to Nanticoke
(keepeing in his custody the two Prisoners brought over with
him) and there apply himself to Coll William Burges Com-
mandr in Chiefe and acquaint him with these pceedings, Who
is to make Demand of Krawacom and Papomco two Indians
whom the Indian Prisoner had accused of the murdr and if
after all that cann be urged for their Delivery and other preg-
nant circumstances it shall appear that noe such psons are
among them, and that noe other pson then that One Indian
already delivered up were concerned in the murdr but that it
was onely a fallacy or fiction of the sd Indian Prisoner to delay
time to prolong his life or find an Oportunity of Escape And
that the two English Children formerly taken by the Wicco-
meese are not liveing among them or within their knowledge,
That the two Indians wch came over wth sd Coll: Coursey and
Committed into his custody be immediately released, and
Peace then to be Concluded with the Emperor and his Indians
according to such ordrs & Instructions as the said Commandr

p. 27

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1671-1681
Volume 15, Page 147   View pdf image (33K)
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