Letter Bk. IV
[Sharpe to Baltimore.]
To Lord Baltimore. The 21st of June 1762
My Lord
Having transmitted to Mr Calvert to be laid before Your
Lordship Journalls of the Proceedings of the two Houses of
Assembly during the late Session & Copies of the several
publick Acts to which on behalf of your Ldp I gave my
Assent, It only remains for me to express my hopes to Your
Ldp that the part I have acted & the Steps I have taken will
meet with Your Ldp's Approbation. Inclosed I take the
Liberty to send Your Ldp a Petition which was lately pre-
sented to me by a Person who lives about two Miles from
Annapolis & is desirous to take up a small Tract of vacant
Land which lies contiguous to his Plantation but by reason of
a general Instruction recorded in the Land Office forbidding
the Judges to grant Warrant or Patent for any Land lying
within five Miles of this Town without a special Order he
cannot accomplish his Wishes. As the Vacancy is so small in
quantity & the Land really very poor I imagine it would be
for Your Ldp's Interest to permit the Agent to dispose of it.
By the Captain who charges himself with this I have sent
Your Ldp a Pipe of the best Wine I have been for some time
Master of & also a Dozen Hams, & by one Capt Ayres who
is also just about to sail I will send your Ldp another Dozen
which I hope will prove good. Having nothing worthy your
Ldp's Notice at this time to communicate I shall only add that
I am with the greatest Respect
Your Ldps most humble & faithful servt