[Sharpe to Calvert.]
Copy of 111 th Letter to Mr Calvert. Dated Annapolis the 21st
June 1762. transmitted by Capt Arbuckle. Duplicate by
Capt Ayres.
With a Duplicate of the Letter I addressed to you the 11th
of last Month I now send you by Capt Arbuckle a Copy of the
Journal of the Proceedings in the Lower House of Assembly
during the last Session & shall by Capt Ayres who will sail from
Potuxent at the same time transmit you the Upper House Jour-
nal so that in Case one of the Ships should be lost you may never-
theless see what passed between the two Houses. I shall also
send you by each of these two Ships Copies of all the Laws of
a publick Nature to which I gave my Assent, the few private
Acts that passed are not yet printed but will be in a few Days
& I shall not fail to transmit them by the first Opportunity
which may afterwards present itself. Capt Arbuckle will like-
wise charge himself with a pipe of the best Madeira Wine
that I was Master of & a Dozen Hams, & another Dozen of
Hams will be recommended to the Care of Capt Ayres cased
& mark't on the Head LB I suppose M Russel will pay
the Duty & send it to His Ldp or deliver it to your Order.
The Hams are pack't up in two Casks mark't as above but the
Capts will probably take them out of the Casks & send them
seperately on Shoar one Dozen to Mr Russels & one Doz" to
Mr Thos Philpots to whom therefore you will be pleased to
give Orders concerning them. As soon as I know what I am
to pay for another Pipe of Wine to replace this which I shall
know in a week or two I will acquaint His Ldp therewith.
By the inclosed Gazette you will see that the Troops which
embarked lately at N York were about to sail the 10th Inst. it
was at first said that they were destined against St Augustine
but as we have been lately told that no Artillery was put on
board, 'tis now supposed by many that they are intended to
reinforce the Troops commanded by the Earl of Albermarle.
Nothing worthy notice having happened or been transacted
here I shall only add that I am with the greatest Regard &c
Letter Bk. IV