Letter Bk. V
[Sharpe to Hamersley.]
Copy of Letter to Mr Hamersley Dated Annapolis 27th
May 1768
Dr Sr
On a supposition that the Ship on board which I sent my
Letters to His Ldp & yourself bearing Date the 15th Inst may
not be yet sailed I write this to be also forwarded to Her by a
Gentleman going hence to the Mouth of Potuxent just to
inform you that upon the Events happening that Mr Allen
mentions in the inclosed Letter 1 have inducted him to All
Saints Parish in Frederick County by far the best in the Prov-
ince. As from the many new Settlements made in the West-
ern Part of the Province within these few years the Parish is
become very extensive the Inhabitants were very anxious to
have it divided & a Petition to the Assembly for that purpose
as it seems already prepared but as Mr Allen told me that
His Ldp would not suffer it to be divided I would not give
the Assembly an Opportunity of preparing a Bill. I should
be glad now Mr Allen is so well provided for if His Ldp
would permit me to perform the Promise I sometime ago at
the Instance of several Gentlemen made to Mr Bouchier of
Virginia concerning whom I wrote to you. It has given me a
good deal of Concern to hear that Mr Jordan before he left
Maryland express't Dissatisfaction in several Counties & gave
Intimations that people here may soon after his Return to
London expect a considerable Revolution, for my own part I
am at a loss to guess what part of my Conduct has dipleased
him & I am confident that he cannot mention to His Ldp any
Transaction of mine which I shall not be able to give a suffi-
cient Reason for & to shew that I have from the Moment I
had the honour to receive His Ldps Commn been as studious
as any Person could be to promote His Ldps Interest & to
discharge the Duty of my Office as became a Person of Integ-
rity Gratitude & Honour I cannot therefore but take it
unkindly that Mr Jordan should have dropt any such general
Intimations calculated to lessen my Influence here after his
Departure without dropping the least Hint to me in all our
Interviews of his thinking amiss of any Step I had taken I
flatter Myself however that no general Insinuations to my
Disadvantage will in the least affect me with His Ldp & as to
any particular accusations I shall be ever ready to answer
them & think myself happy in being called on by His Ldp to
do so, while on the contrary it will be the greatest Unhappi-
ness to me to have any Suspicions raised in his Ldp's Mind
without being informed thereof that I may have an Opportu-
nity of removing them, if I cannot do so when an Opportu-