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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1761-1771
Volume 14, Page 499   View pdf image (33K)
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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 499



the Requisition to be extended, I should I say be very glad to
know & also to receive Instructions from My Ld Baltimore
how far I am to comply for I apprehend that hitherto it has
not been usual to return even the Acts of Assembly made in
this Province to the Board of Trade or to any of His Majesty's

[Sharpe to Hamersley.]

Copy of Letter to Mr Hamersley. Annapolis 27 May
Dr Sr
I transmit you inclosed a Copy of a Speech I made last
Tuesday to both Houses of Assembly in order that you may
lay the same before His Ldp whose Approbation it will I hope
receive. As you will see in our Body of Laws by what sort
of Title the Indians residing in Dorchester & Worcester
Counties in this Province (now reduced to a very small
Number) hold their Lands I need not observe to you the pro-
priety of my recommending to the Assembly's Consideration
Sr William Johnson's Letters desiring those People may
agreeable to their own Request be permitted to go back &
join the Six Nations, the Expediency of the other Regula-
tions I have mention'd to them is too evident to be denied
here, nevertheless I question whether the Example of the
Northern Colonies & Virginia will not divert the Lower
House from such Matters to Addresses Resolves & Memo-
rials relative to the late Acts of Parliament laying Duties on
Sundry Goods imported here from Great Britain & I don't
know but the Lower House may also enter into the Question
about Pluralities which in my Opinion had better not have
been broached but unfortunately Mr Allen was of a different
Opinion & by that means is engaged in a Dispute with the
whole Province as it were which will not I fear soon have an
End not a Gazette hardly appearing as you will see by the
inclosed without a scurrilous Piece on one side or other so
that if Mr Allen wisht as was said of him to be engaged in
some Controversy he will probably have enough of it. The
Ejectment brought against His Ldp on behalf of Brerewood
will not be tried till next October ; in the mean time the
Attorney General & Mr Dulany desire Me to write to you for
an Authenticated Copy of his being a Bankrupt or Outlaw if
it can be made appear that he was either one or the other.
Mr Dulany seems to be pretty confident that he is a Bankrupt
& if that be the Case Proof thereof will at once determine the
Suit, if no Ship should be coming directly hither Be pleased
to transmit the Certificate by the Packet to New York so that
it might come to hand as soon as possible. I am.

Letter Bk. IV




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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1761-1771
Volume 14, Page 499   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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