[Baltimore to Sharpe.]
Baltimore house August 2d 1766
I received yesterday yr letter of the 29th of last May and I
dont doubt that as I have effectually now given you the power
to serve me, that you will give me great satisfaction. I no
sooner read the unanimous opinion of My Upp. House con-
cerning the Licences, but I imediately directed my Secretary
to prepare the same day an instruction to give you liberty
therein to Act as you and the Upp. House shall think fitt.
I desire that you will be pleased to observe what has been
mentioned to you in Relation to a Living for a particular
freind of mine here in England Mr Alien of Oxford. I pro-
pose he shall have one of the best and he will send a Deputy
from hence for him and in this for many reasons I desire yr
Assistance in compleating
I am extreamly concernd to hear of that worthy Gentleman
Mr Keys Decease & I approve of yr Appointment in his place.
With Regard to the Attention wh yr Excellency is so good
as to give to the Trifles I sent you they are surely not worth
it, but by some opportunity this year I shall send you some-
thing more elegant than I had time at Mr Jordans departure
to prepare. I expect yr directions to yr Brother Phillip, touch-
ing what I wrote to you of Mr Calverts Attention.
I am, with the greatest friendship and consideration
Yr Excellencys most obed. humble Servt
Excuse haste. F. Baltimore