Letter Bk. IV
Ldp think him improper You will be pleased to signify Your
Pleasure otherwise I shall appoint him to the Office as soon
as I am at liberty to do so & shall Your Ldp may be assured
on all occasions endeavour to shew what pleasure I have in
executing Your Commands. I am.
[Sharpe to Hamersley.]
Copy of 5th Letter to Mr Hamersley. 21st July 1766
Dr Sr
The Collection of the Maryland Laws which hath been
printed here being at length published I shall by a Ship of
Mr John Buchanan (Capt Hanrick) which is ready to sail hence
for London transmit you two bound Copies one of them for
the Lords of Trade to be presented with the inclosed Letter
& the other for the use of the Council Office Their Lordships
having long ago called on me for them, the next Ship Capt
Richardson in Groves's Employ will bring you another Copy
or two.
[Board of Trade to Sharpe.]
Whitehall Augst Ist 1766
In pursuance of an Address of the House of Commons, to
His Majesty on the 27th of March last and of His Majesty's
Commands thereupon, signified to us by His Grace the Duke
of Richmond in a Letter to us dated the i Ith ult. you are forth-
with to prepare, and, as soon as possible, transmit to us, in
order to be laid before the House of Commons in the next
Session, a particular and exact Account of the several Manu-
factures, which have been set up and carried on within' the
Colony under your Government since the year 1734, and of
the publick Encouragements which have been given thereto.
You are also from time to time annually to transmit the
like Account of any Manufactures which shall be hereafter set