[Amherst to Sharpe.]
New York, 2 Ist February 1762
As I Acquaintd you in my Letter of the 9th Instant, that I
had been Honored with His Majesty's Commands for Com-
pleating the Regular Corps, Serving in North America, by
Recruits to be Raised by the Several Provinces, on such
Terms & Conditions as I should propose: In Consequence of
these Commands, & in Obedience thereto, I have duely Con-
sidered not only the Numbers that will be necessary to be
furnished by the respective Colonies, but the Encouragements
to be given to Induce the men Voluntarily to Enter into the
Service which, I am perswaded, will, if properly backed by the
Provinces have the desired Effect.
The Number of men Expected from your Province for this
Service, with the method proposed for Raising them, I shall
now Lay before you; And the Earl of Egremont's Letter,
which I herewith Enclose to you, will shew you how much the
King has this measure at heart, and how disagreable any
failure or disappointment therein, would be to His Majesty.
The Quota to be furnished by your Province, agreable to
the proportions from the other Colonies, is Eighty Four men ;
I must therefore most Earnestly Request you will use your
utmost Influence with the Assembly to Raise that Number,
over & above those already Demanded by my Letter of the
9th Instant, by paying them the same Levy money as to the
others; And as an Encouragement to Induce the men to
Enter into the Regular Service, I propose to Allow Five
pounds New York Currency, Bounty money, to Each man,
not under Eighteen, nor above Forty years of Age, who shall
Enlist, to serve during the War, or untill the Regiments
Return to Europe: They shall be Cloathed, & Enter into
Immediate pay, without any further Expence to" the Province
than their first Levying; and, at the Expiration of their time,