[Sharpe to Capt. Scaife.]
To Captain John Scaife Commander of His Majesty's Ship
Chesterfield 20th feby 1762.
On behalf of the Gentlemen who will receive Advantage
from your giving me such early Intelligence of Your Arrival
in Virginia & Intention to return to England the 6th of June I
return you thanks for the Letter you were pleased to favour
me with the 13th Inst & will cause publick Notice to be given
to the Merchants & Masters of Ships in this Province of such
Your Intention that their Vessels may be at Hampton by the
time appointed in order to take the Benefit of Your Convoy
I am Sir &c.
[Sharpe to Capt. Adams.]
To Captain Wm Adams Commander of the Diana. Annapolis
21st feby 1762.
In hopes that you would think Yourself at Liberty to convoy
them together with the Virginia Ships to England the Masters
of such Vessels as were ready to sail from this Province are I
am informed already fallen down to Hampton where I pre-
sume they will wait on you with a Petition requesting the
favour of you to take them under Your Convoy. As the own-
ers or Masters have not desired me to you on their behalf
presuming perhaps upon seeing the Advertisement which was
published in the Virga Gazette that any such Application was
unnecessary I cannot take upon myself to write to the Lds
Commissioners of the Admiralty especially as I am unac-
quainted with, the Number of Vessels that have loaded in this
Province & are now ready to sail, but as I am persuaded you
will rather consider how beneficial it will be to the Trade of