of a Secretary's Commission afterwards granted by His Ldp
to Mr Jennings under which he held the Office till upon My
Ld's appointing his late Uncle Secretary Mr Jennings received
a Deputation in which were some Clauses that had not as you
will observe been inserted in the other. No Business having
as I have already hinted been done in the Commissary's
Office since the first of Novemr Mr Goldsborough the Com-
missary has spent his Winter on the other side the Bay where
Colo Lloyd also resides so that I have not an immediate
Opportunity of letting them know that they are for the future
to make the same annual Remittance to you they did to your
Predecessor, but you may depend upon my Compliance with
your Request respecting that Matter as soon as possible, &
that I shall also signify the same to the Judges of the Land
Office One of whom (Mr Calvert) does not live in Town but I
expect to see him here very shortly & doubt not their perform-
ance of what is required, tho as their Office as well as those of
D Secretary & Commissary must while things remain here in
the present Situation be burthensome to them instead of
lucrative I am apt to think they have already applied by
Letters to the late Mr Calvert or will apply to you for a
Remission of what they should annually pay in Proportion to
the time that no Business can be done in their respective
Offices: & from a Hint Mr Dulany dropt when he told me he
should not fail to answer your Letter by an early Opportunity
I am inclined to think he will also press you to accept of less
than the Sum of £200 which Mr Calvert required from that
Office. I shall as soon as possible transmit you agreeable to
His Ldps Desire the Heads & Substance of the several
Instructions I have had the honour to receive from His Ldp
at different times with such Hints as I may think it pertinent
to give you thereupon & as you seem desirous to receive the
fullest Information from me concerning the provincial Affairs
so that you may be the better able to serve His Ldp & pro-
mote the Welfare & Prosperity of the People over whom I
have the honour to preside I will in the Letters I shall from
time to time write to you endeavour to be as explicit as
possible & shall be very glad if I can make the Correspondence
we have now commenced agreeable to you & be ready to
embrace every Opportunity of rendering you acceptable Ser-
vice. Presuming that you see what I have for some Months
past wrote in several Letters addressed to your Predecessor
relative to the late Publick Transactions in this Province &
concerning other Matters I shall not (as nothing else material
has since occurred here) prolong this Letter farther than just
to assure you that I am with great Esteem & Respect, Sir,
yrs &c.
Letter Bk. III