Letter Bk. III
& Residents of this Province, Another made in the first year
of George the first entitled " An Act for the Publication of all
the Laws of this Province & for Recording the same in the
Secretary's Office &c another made in the second year of
Charles Lord Baltimore entitled " An Act for repairing the
Damages already sustain'd in the Records of the Land
Secretary's Commissary's & County Court Offices" A supple-
mentary Act thereto made in the 28th year of His said Ldp's
Dominion & the Inspection Law revived & continued in 1763 "
All which you may see at large in Mr Bacons Edition of the
Laws of this Province that I lately sent Mr Calvert in sheets at
different times, & be thereby enabled to judge of the Propriety
of Mr Dulanys Observations: in answer to which I told him
that notwithstanding the Deputation by you sent him might
seem to put him on an inferiour Footing to that on which he
had hitherto held his Office I was satisfied it was not your
Intention to do so or to introduce any Innovation & that the
Variance in form was doubtless owing to your being unac-
quainted with what had been formerly done & as yet a
Stranger to the Laws of the Province, that you may see after
what manner he as well as Colo Plater Colo Tasker & Mr
Ridout who held the Office immediately before him were
appointed I shall inclose you a Copy of the Commission I
issued to them respectively by Virtue of the Power given me
by Mr Calvert for that purpose & perhaps to prevent any new
Difficulties being started It would be as well for you to
pursue the same Method upon Mr Dulany's engaging to make
you the usual payment. As Mr Dulany does not choose to
act under your Deputation sent him & I am not at liberty
under the Stamp Act to issue any Commission on other than
Stamp' t Paper, You have not of course at present any
Deputy here, which indeed as all the Courts & Offices have
ever since the first of November been shut up is of no Conse-
quence but if the Act of Parliament should be suspended or
measures taken to enforce it the Offices must be immediately
opened & if that should happen before I can be favoured with
your answer I shall be under a necessity if Mr Dulany will not
act as your Deputy under either yours or my Commission to
appoint some other Gentleman that Business may go on as
usual else the Suitors Lawyers &c will doubtless make such
an Uproar as it may not be easy to silence. With a Copy of
the Commission I at different times issued to the D Secretaries
abovenamed I will send you a Copy of the Deputation given
by Sr Thomas Lawrence when the Govt of the Province was
in the Crown to Colo Philemon Lloyd one of the Council here
who continued to act as Secretary many years after the late
Lord Baltimore was restored to the Government, also a Copy