[Sharpe to Hallifax.]
To The Earl of Hallifax. Annapolis the 5th Septr 1765.
My Lord
I am sorry to have such a reason for troubling Your Ldp
but it is my Duty to inform you that the Proceedings of a
great number of the People in this Province since the Person
said to be appointed Distributor of the Stamps for Maryland
arrived here gives me too much room to apprehend they will
endeavour to prevent the Stamp Act having its intended Effect.
Your Ldp will I presume long before this can reach you have
received an Account of the late riotous Proceedings of the Popu-
lace at Boston & other Places in the Northern Colonies on
Account of that new Act of Parliament, & will not therefore I sup-
pose be surprized at receiving similar accounts from other Parts
of North America nor at my telling Your Ldp that the Inhabi-
tants of this Province incited by their Example or actuated by
the same Spirit were not satisfied with expressing their Indig-
nation against their Countryman Mr Hood the Distributor by
hanging or burning him in effigie, but having in the night of
the second Instant assembled to the number of three or four
hundred in or near this place pulled down a House which he
was repairing for the Reception of a Cargo of Goods that he
had it seems imported for Sale. Being very uneasy & much
terrified at the contemptuous Treatment he had since his
Return from England met with from his former Acquaintance
& the violent Proceedings of the Populace who really are not
to be restrained on this Occasion without a Military Force Mr
Hood intimated to me that if I thought his Resigning the
Office would reconcile his Countrymen to him & would
advise him to take that Step he would even do so, but as I
could not take upon myself to give him such Advice & both
he & his Relations doubted whether he could while the Fer-
ment continued be safe in. mine or any other House in the
Province he has retired for a few Weeks to New York. To
what Lengths People who have made such a Beginning may
go to render the Act of Parliament ineffectual I cannot tell
but I am very apprehensive that if the Stamp't Paper was to
arrive here & be landed at this time it would not be in my
power to preserve it from being burnt as there is no place of
Security here wherein it might be lodged, & the Militia is
composed of such as are by no means proper to be appointed
a Guard over it, if therefore a Vessel should soon arrive here
with the stamp't Paper I shall caution the Master against
Landing it & advise him either to lye off at a Distance from
the Shore or return to the Men of Wars Station in Virginia
until the People shew a better Disposition or I have the Satis-
faction to receive from Your Ldp some Instructions about it
I am &c.
Letter Bk. III