Letter Bk, IV
to see him over again the Beginning of next Month & will
then deliver him the Letter you have been pleased to inclose
for him. he has I am told been for some time in an ill State
of Health, but is now better, was an Accident to happen to
him whom pray in such Case would His Ldp have appointed
Commissary General. There is I perceive by the last Philaa
Gazette a Distributor of the Stamps appointed also for this
Province, but every Body seems to be surprized how the Person
there named could make Interest to be nominated. You will
see by the inclosed Papers that Pains are still taken in the North-
ern Colonies to stir up the Inhabitants Resentment against the
Mother Country on Account of the Stamp Act, & indeed I
may say that in all the Colonies it seems to be considered in
pretty much the same light. I now remit you inclosed Firsts
of Excha for £155, part thereof being in lieu of the protested
Bill for £30, which you some time ago return'd to me & the
Residue is what became due from me the 10th of this Month.
There is a Gentleman here one Mr Jenifer whom with His
Ldp's Leave I should be very glad to have it in my power to
serve, he lived & carried on Business many years in Charles
County where he was & is a Justice of the Peace but now
spends a good Part of his time in Annapolis & is the same
that I sometime ago appointed one of the Commissioners for
running the Boundary Lines, he was for some time in the
Lower House of Assembly where he behaved much to my
satisfaction as indeed he has done on all Occasions. I do not
you will observe recommend him at present to any particular
Office nor is there any at present vacant, but only desire leave
to serve him if an Opportunity Offers, & as a Clerkship might
become vacant a Letter on his behalf to Mr Dulany not to be
produced by me unless such a Vacancy should happen would
much oblige me. Since writing the above Mr Hood who is
appointed Distributor of the Stamps within this province has
waited on me to advise me thereof & tells me that you were
pleased to interest yourself on his behalf & to assist his Friends
in obtaining for him an Office that will probably be worth
many hundreds a year but is extremely unpopular. Young
Mr Anderson has not been yet on this side the Bay, if he
should come over & give me an Opportunity you may depend
on my shewing him all the Civility & Countenance in my
power. I remain &c.
P. S. Instead of inclosing you Bills for £155 as I have
mentioned I can only remit you Bills for £15 3 12 9.