Provce do presume to Trade, Traffick, barter or deale with any
forreign or other Indians whatsoever for any manner of Deer
Elk or Bear skins drest or undrest whatsoever, or for any
beaver, Otter, Musk-Ratt or other furrs whatsoever upon the
Account of Merchandize with intent to Export the same out
of this Province, without leave and Lycence from his Excel-
lency the Capt Generall and Governor in Cheife of this their
Majtys Province and Territories, or from the Cheif Governor
for the being, under the pain and penalty of the loss of all
such skins & Furrs so purchased as aforesaid, together with
ten thousand pounds of Tobacco, to be forfeited and paid by
the party or parties offending and Transgressing against the
same, and thereof legally and duly convicted, one half thereof
to their Majesties their heirs and Successors, and the other
half to him or them that shall seize inform and sue for the
same to be recovered by Action of Debt bill plaint or Informa-
tion in any Court of Record within this Province, wherein no
Essoyn Protection or Wagr of Law to be allowed, this Act to
endure for three years or to the end of the next Sessions of
Assembly &ca
June 8. 1692.
June 8th 1692 The House of Assembly
Assented to by the Councill Board, have Assented
Signed p Ordr Signed p Ordr
John Llewellin Clk. Hen: Denton Clk.
June the 9th 1692.
On behalf of their Majesties King William & Queen Mary
&ca L. C. I will these be Laws.
That all these Laws conteined in this book being fourscore
and four in number and written in 249 pages were Copyd on
at the Plantation office in Whitehall from the originall Laws
then in the Custody of the Honble William Blathwayt and John
Povey Esqrs and were carefully examined by me at Whitehall
In the month of December 1695
Witness my hand
Thomas Laurence
Lib. L. L.
No. 1.
p. 249