An Act of Repeale of all Laws
heretofore made in this Province &
confirming all Laws made this
Generall Assembly.
Be it Enacted by the King and Queens most Excellent
Majesties by and with the advice and consent of this present
Generall Assembly, That all Laws heretofore made in this
Province be and forever hereby stand Repealed adnulled and
void, and that all Laws now made and assented to this present
Generall Assembly (and no other) be & remain in full force
and power according to the true intent & meaning thereof
and that the same be accounted and esteemed as the body of
the Laws of this Province and no other heretofore made
Provided always that this Law shall not extend or be Con-
strued to make void any persons Right by Acts of nature
Affections or any private Acts heretofore made relating to
any private persons, but that the same be hereby kept and
preserved to them according to the true intent and meaning
thereof any thing herein to the Contrary notwithstanding
June 7th 1692 June the 7th 1692
Assented to by the Councill Board. The house of Assembly
Signed p Ordr have Assentd
W. Taylard Clk. Signed p Ordr
Assistant. Hen: Denton Clk:
An Act Prohibiting Trade wth the Indians
for Deer Skins Elk Skin's or any furrs
whatsoever without Lycence.