as also to assure both my houses, that I am ready to Joine
in anything you cann reasonably expect at my hands, in
relation to those Acts made perpetuall in the yeare 1676:
Hopeing I shall see noe more irregular and unparliamentary
way of proceedings in either of the houses; such being not
for the safety of those whome you come here to Serve: nor
for the Honor of this Assembly and for those reasons not
fitting for me to yeild to: I doe promise on my part to be free
plaine and very kind with you and the same (I hope) to
deserve from you, for by that way of proceeding onely cann
the Province reape that advantage and all of us that Satisfac-
tion which cann be desired from this prsent meeting.
Tis with some difficulty that I must now acquaint you of my
resolucons of goeing Speedily for England where the greate
Exigency of my affaires, not my owne inclinations, nor love
for that place doth now drawe me. It is to preserve my
intrest and to settle my Child in an Vndisturbed right afore I
die, that causeth me to resolve vpon this Voiage.
Haveing given you this Assurance I hope you will beleive
my stay there will be No longer, then the procureing a deci-
sion of those matters you all knowe have beene the Subject
of some diferences betwixt Mr Penn and me. Those once
happily ended, I shall soone returne to this place where it is
my interest, as also my Inclination, and delight to be.
Gentlemen, I have much busines, private as well as publick
to settle afore I goe, for all which I cann hardly afford my
selfe a full month; a fortnight I am very willing to spend with
both my houses of Assembly, that afore I leave you, I may see
those things Settled to yor satisfaccon, wch may conduce to the
good welfare, and security of the Inhabitants, whom you here
represent off this I am soe extreamely desirous, that nothing
shall be wanting on my part towards it. Adjourne for an
U. H. J.