4 Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684.
U. H. J.
p. 2
Aprill 2d 1684:
Upper house mett Prsent
The Right Honble the Lord Propry
Coll Henry Coursey Major Nicholas Sewall
The Honble Coll Henry Darnall The honble John Darnall Esqr
Adjourne till to morrow morning Tenn a Clocke.
Aprill 3d 1684:
Upper house mett prsent
The Right Honble the Lord Propry
The Honble
Coll Henry Coursey
Coll Henry Darnall
Coll William Digges
The Honble
Major Nicholas Sewall
John Darnall Esqr
Adjourne till to morrow morning Tenn a Clock
Aprill 4th 1684
Upper house mett: Prsent
The Right Honble the Lord Propry
The Honble
Coll Henry Coursey
Coll Henry Darnall
Coll William Digges
Coll Willm Stevens
The Honble
Major Nicho Sewall
John Darnall Esqr
Notice given to the Speaker to attend his Lopp here with
the Members of the Lower house:
The Speaker and Members of the Lower house Enter
His Lopp Declares to them the reasons of his meeting them
at this time in manner following vizt
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower houses of Assembly.
Tho I had not the satisfaction I reasonably expected at the
meeting I gave you in Ann Arundel; Yett I would not have
you beleive my adjourning you to St Marys was the effect of a
dissatisfaction in me towards any persons here prsent I must
Confess the danger I saw our Temporary Lawes in, and the
necessity of preserving them, forct me to adjourne when I
thought to have prorogued you. That and my desires of
being neer my owne home at this time, for the Setling of my
private Affaires moved me to appoint the meeting here. And
p. 3
now that I have by that adjournment continued the Tempo-
rary Lawes till this time, I expect you will Consider it ought
to care, as well as altogether mine that the Province be
not left without those Lawes, that have beene hitherto thought
use [ful] and necessary.
For this reason it was I desired to meete you thus soone,