adjourne for an houre
Upper house Mett again as p Adjournmt
Present as before
Upper house of Assembly
Aprill 26th 1684
The publick leavy of this Province haveing been usually
stated by the Clerke of this house by ordr and appointmt of
his Lsp: wherein greate care paines and labour hath been
used, This house vote and think necessary that a ffee or
gratuity for the same be settled upon the said Clark, or that
the lower house would now and in future Assemblyes see the
same effected, before the adjournmt prorogation or dissolution
of such Assembly
Signed p ordr J LLewellin Cl of Assembly
Came Mr Thomas Burford Attorney for Michael Ashford
Leessee of Ralph Shaw and prayed his Lsps writt of hab: fac:
possessionem to issue forth of this house to the sd Ashford for
the land & prmisses in dispute betweene him and Lynes,
which was accordingly granted & ordered to be issued together
with Execution for his charges —
The foregoeing Message concerning the publick leavy sent
to the Lower house p Coll Digges, who hath also in charge
to acquaint them that his Lp is now ready in this house to
receive them together with what bills they have to present his
Lp: in ordr to conclude this Session.
Coll Digges ret. the Lower house will send answr Came
Mr Robert Carvile and Capt John Osbourne from the Lower
house with the bill for the publick leavy wch they prsent to this
house and in answer to the last Message from this house say,
that in allotting the payments of the publick leavy there will
be some considerable surplusage fraction which they are will-