Lib. L. L.
No. 1.
An Act for the Imposition of four pence
per Gallon on Liqurs imported into this Province
Forasmuch as great charges and Expences to this Province
have accrued in paying of Soldiers in discharging the Arrears
of the late Government and the great necessity of repairing
Court Houses and Prisons and also for raising a better allow-
ance for paying the charges of their Majesties Councellors and
Justices of the Provinciall Court and for paying an agent of
this Province in England, and for that this Generall Assembly
have taken into their serious Considerations by what means
the said Publick charge and Expence may be defrayed and
discharged without leaving the same upon the Inhabitants
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thereof which would be too great a burthen at this time to
undergoe. It is by the Generall Assembly thought no greater
Expedient can be found then by assessing an Impost upon
Liquors of four pence p Gallon upon all such Liquors as shall
be Imported into this Province Liquors from England only
Excepted We your Majesties most humble and Loyall Sub-
jects the Deligates and Burgesses of this present Generall
Assembly humbly pray that it may be Enacted And be it
Enacted by the King and Queens most Excellent Majesties
by and with the advice and consent of this present Generall
Assembly and the Authority of the same, that from and after
the Publication hereof, all Masters of ships and other Vessells
importing Liquors into this Province with intent to vend and
dispose of the same Pay unto their Majesties the sum of four
pence p Gallon for every Gallon of Liquor Imported into this
Province to the intent to vend and dispose thereof, the same
to be Collected by their Majesties Receiver Generall of this
Province, who shall give good security in their Majests names
to be accountable to the Assembly and pay the same anually
for the Space of three years to the uses aforesaid or any or so
many of them as the said Generall Assembly of this Province
shall think fitt to Order and direct for the Ends and purposses
aforesaid And be it further Enacted that every Master at the
time of Entring such ships or other Vessells afored shall render
upon Oath an Account of the quantity & quality of such
Liquors so Imported to be vended or sold as aforesaid, and
that the severall and respective Navall Officers within this
Province for the time being shall at the time of Entring such