442 Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 9, 1692.
Lib. L. L.
No. 1.
afore recited Act to the contrary notwithstanding. This Act
to endure for three years certaine.
4th June 1692. Assented to June the 4th 1692. The house
by the Councill board of Assembly have Assented.
Signed p Ordr Signed p Ordr
John Llewellin Clk Hen: Denton Clk Assembly.
An Act for Securing the Rights of
Severall Persons.
Whereas many and frequent complaints have been made by
divers good People of this Province, who of late years have
procured of the Lord Proprietary of this Province, warrants
for the laying out and taking up severall quantities of Land
within the same, and have past their Bond to his Lop accord-
ing to his late Conditions of Plantations for the same and by
vertue of their Warrants the severall Surveyors of this Prov-
ince had before the Revolution of affairs within the same, sur-
veyed and laid out pursuant to the said Warrants severall
Tracts and parcells of Land for them or to their Assigns, and
p. 29
either had returned the Certificate of the same unto the
Examiner or had it in their hands ready to return before the
revolution as aforesaid, but the same Certificate eithr not
arrived in the Land Office of this Province, or if the same was
noe Pattents as yet for the same granted, and his Lordship
having shut up the Land Office of this Province, and no Per-
son being Qualified to Grant Patents for the same they and
others in the like Condition are in great danger of loosing the
benefit and Estate of and in their said Lands so laid out and
Surveyed as aforesaid, in tender consideration whereof and for
the prevention of such Evills and Inconveniencys within this
Province your Majesties most dutifull and loyall Subjects the
Burgesses & deligates of this present Generall Assembly on
the behalf of the good People of this Province do humbly
pray that it may be Enacted and be it Enacted by the King
and Queens most Excellent Majesties by and wth the advice
and consent of this present Generall Assembly and the
Authority of the same, that any person or persons whatsoever
being free Denizens and Subjects to the Crown of England,
that at any time heretofore withn the space of five years last
past, had obteined of his Lordship the Lord Proprietary of this
Province from himself or from any person by from or under
him any Warrant or Warrants for any parcell or parcells of
Land either of Resurvey or to be taken up within this Prov-
ince, and by vertue of which any parcell or parcells of Land
whatsoever was by any lawfull Surveyor or any County within
this Province Surveyed and layed out at any time before the