ments under the broad Seale of this Province as aforesaid, as
may be obteined without any great difficulty or charge, Be it
further Enacted that the Governt during his time of being
Governor shall have and receive for the same the sum of three
pounds sterling money and his Clerk for writing it Ten shil-
lings and no more, and the severall Persons naturalized shall
pay respectively Provided that nothing in this Act conteined
shall be construed to enable or give power or Priviledge to
any forreigner to do or execute any Matter or thing which by
any of the Acts made in England concerning his Majesties
Plantations he is disabled to do or Execute
June 4th 1692 Assented to by June 4th 1692 The house of
the Councill Board. Assembly have assented
Signed p Ordr Signed p Ordr
John LLewellin Hen: Denton Clk Assembly.
A Supplementary Act to the Act for settlement
of an Anuall Revenue upon their Majesties Gov-
ernor within this Provce for the time being.
For the setling of an Anuall Revenue upon their Majesties
Governor of this Province for the time being and untill such
time as farther measures can be taken to bring the said Rev-
enue to a greater certainty. Be it Enacted by the King and
Queens Most Excellent Majts by and with the advice and con-
sent of this present Generall Assembly and the Authority of
the same, that from and after the Tenth day of October next
ensuing this present Sessions of Assembly, that three pence