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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 364   View pdf image (33K)
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364 Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 9, 1692.


Mr Bigger Returnes to the house message sent by
him into the Clk of the Diner.
The house Adjournes
The house againe mett embrs Vizt) Mr Wattson, Mr
& Mr Warner, Comittee County Delegates all
Report from the Mr Wm Dent in a paper.
Motion made by a yett that any thankes Capt
Cood (Agents for the in England for this Countrey
and the house does vnanimously harty to Mr
Speaker & Capt Cood for their & dilige Used
about the Managemts of the Publick of this Province
half of the Countrey in England.
Mr Hewett Enters the house & is told by mr Speaker that
the Comittee of Elections haue returned him a person vnqualli-
fied to Sitt as a Member of this house by reason of his being
in sacred Orders.
Some of the house desire to be Sattisfyed how the Law
determines that Matter.
They desire mr Hewett to giue them a Sermon to Morrow
being Sunday.
The paper from the Comittee of Lawes, delivered to the
house ordered to be read
Debated whether the Act for Church Liberties (being the
first Act therein mentioned should be Entitled as formerly or
noe, and put to the Vote, whether to haue it in Two Lawes or
one & Carryed by the Majority of voices to be in one.
The second & Third Acts in the said Paper mentioned dis-
Comittee of Elections Repaires to the house wth the
Returne following, Vizt)

May 14th 1692.
The Comittee appointed to inspect the Elections & Privi-
lidges &ca haueing pervsed severall Depositions & papers
Relateing to Caecill County finde the Deposition of Wm Ward
fitt for the Consideration of the house of Assembly.
Signed p Ordr Peter Dent Clk of the Comittee

The Deposition of Wm Ward order'd to be read wch was as
follows, Vizt)

Willm Ward aged about forty fiue years the aforesaid
Deponed vpon his Oath further declares as follows, Vizt)
That at the first Court held for Caecill County after the Con-
vention held in Aprill Anno 1690 Mr Edward Jones & Mr

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 364   View pdf image (33K)
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