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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 363   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 9, 1692-. 363

they had ordered] that a bill of Recognition [of his Majtys right
and title to this Pro]vince, alsoe a Bill for Reliefs [against the
Act of Limitations &] alsoe another Bill for Salveing of [all
errors in proceedings at Law occasioned] by the Late Revo-
lution ordrd to [be brought] into [this house] by some other
Members of the said house then the [said Com] mittee, [that
so] said Comittee for Inspection of the Lawes may [proceed]
vpon their [charge] from this house in which the most
materiall [mat]ters in this As[sembly will] be debated & dis-
patched, therefore they [humbly] desire 'that wha[t persons]
his Exncy intends to be Assistant to the said Comittee may be
with expedition sent to them, it being a business that requires
most [time] and of greatest difficulty, otherwise the said
Comittee must proceed by themselves.
Signed p Ordr Hen. Denton Clk Assembly.

The aboue Message sent by Majr Smallwood.
Another Message drawne vp to be sent to the Gouernor &
Councill desireing an Answere to a former Message sent
yesterday from this house. Which was as follows, Vizt)

By the house of Assembly May 13th 1692.
This house in a former Message Signifyed to yr Honors that
they had appointed certaine hours of meeting to the End busi-
ness might be the better expedited, hopeing that your honors
would haue intimated to this house something of the same
nature Ordered in Councill, whereby a duer correspondency
might be kept betwixt your honors & this house therefore
humbly require an Answere to it,
Signed p Ordr Hen Denton Clk Assembly.

The same was Read ouer to the house & sent by the hands
of mr Bigger & mr Wattson.
Ordered by the house that some care be taken to procure
the Booke of Entries of Shipping business from Majr Sewalls
or elsewhere to be had.
Voted by the house Nemine contradicente that considera-
tion be taken of a Supplye for the Support of the Gouernor &
Councill and other necessary Supplyes to the Gouernment.
Message from the house sent to the Gouernor & Councill
to request the Booke of Entries of Shipping Business which
was as follows, Vizt)

By the house of Assembly May 13th 1692.
This house does desire that your honors will be pleased to
Cause to be procured (with what convenient dispach may be)
the booke of Entries of Shipping business from the yeare 86
to the time of the Revolution, for the pervsall of this house
Signed p Ordr Hen Denton Clk Assembly.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 363   View pdf image (33K)
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