Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 9, 1692. 351
Ann Arrundell Mr John HAMONd
County Mr Henry Ridgeley
Mr James Sanders
Dorchestr County Majr Henry Tripp Original
Docf John Brookes Journal.
Mr Thomas Ennalls
Mr John Dorsey
Mr Edward Pinder
Caluert County Mr Thomas Greenfield
Caecill County Mr William Dare
Mr Thomas Tasker
Coll St Leidger Codd
Mr Henry Mittchell
Mr Edward Jones
Mr John Bigger
Mr George Warner
Charles County Mr Wm Dent
Mr Henry Hawkins
Majr Ja: Smallwood
Capt Phillip Hoskins
The aforegoing names called ouer and were absent these
Members following (Vizt)
Majr Caruell, Mr John Edmondson, Mr Tho: Evernden, Mr
Jno Godden & Mr George Wardener.
Sent from and Mr James Sanders to the Councell
Roome James Smallwood, Mr Thomas Greenfield &
Mr Edward Pinder were not sworne yesterday.
said use themselves to this House for not
Majr Smallwood for Excuse vice, by Order of
the Gouernor
of this House, which being read for the members
thereof vpon (Vizt)
May 11th 1692.
It is delegates of this Province now Asse
Obserued by the Burgesses & De this House dureing
the Sess this
Ist That No Burgess, Deputy, or Delegate House
shall vse any revileing Speeches name any one by his
proper Name but by another Significacon (Vizt) Gentlman that
speake last or the like.
2dly That Noe speake aboue once att a Reading to
any Bill without Lycence of the Speaker, and if Two persons
or more rise vp together the Speaker shall appoint who shall
Speake first and noe one may interrupt another or Speake till
the other hath ended.
3dly That none shall deliuer his Opinion or Speake sitting
to any Bill but shall stand up & reuerently direct his Speech
to the Speaker.
4thly That euery bill proposed to the House shall be read
three seuerall dayes before it be Engrossed, and that between
euery Reading one day shall be intermitted vnless upon uery
Urgent Occasion Mr Speaker wth the Consent of the House
shall dispence therewith, and then one being read twice att
one Sitting shall be Sufficient as Read two Seuerall dayes &
times when sOe Entered vpon the Clarkes Journall.
5thly That noe one shall come in to the house of Assembly
whitest the House is sitting with a sword or other Weapon