[Journal of the Lower] House of Assembly
Begun [on the 10th day of May, in the] fourth yeare of the
Raigne of [our Soveraign Lord and Lady King William
and] Queen Mary Anno Dom 1692.
Vertue of there Majties Writt of Election iss of
of Chancery in this province beareing Da day
ed to the Citty of St Mayes & the seve & respec-
tiue vince comanding them to make Choice of for
Sufficient able spectiue County and two for the
City of St Maryes afd to is for the said City & Countyes
aforesd to personally ap att City of St
Maryes vpon the Tenth day aboue being Tuesday
in the yeare of our Lord 1692 where mett they after-
wards went into the Councill Chamber neare to the of
mr Gerrard Vansweringhen in the said City; his Excellency
Coll: Copley Gournor and the Upper House being there
present his Excellency in a Speech Sett forth vnto them the
severall difficulties & hazards he had through after the
King had Signifyed his Intentions of Sending him amongst
them he put them in minde of makeing wholesome Laws and
the laying aside of all heates and Annimosities setting before
them the Examples of their Sacred Majties
Amongst other Laws to be made he recomends to thm one
in particuler as placed in his Instructions (to Witt)
The Raiseing further Supplyes for Support of the Gournor
for the time being, and defraying the necessary Charges of
the Gouernmt Conceiuing that it would be advantagious to
the Countrey as well as Satisfaction for himselfe to know what
they intended for him to Support the Honor of the Post the
King had placed him in, and to Reduce that as alsoe the
Allowances to the Gentlemen of the Councill & Assembly to
a certaine fund, hopeing they would come short of none of
their Neighbouring Colonies in anything of that Nature, and
soe desired them to goe and Choose their Speaker and take
care that none be admitted to Sitt amongst them but such as
should take the Oathes and be qualifyed by Law.
Which being ended the members of the House of Assembly
withdrew & repaired to the State House in the said City of
St Maryes.
Then the members proceeded to make Choice of their
Speaker and by Genrall Vote, nemine Contradicente the Elec-
tion made Choice of Mr Kenelm Cheseldyne for their Speaker
and place him in the Chaire accordingly.