An Act for Amerciaments &c. May 23d read first time
An Act Imposing a Penalty on all such as shall dispose of
Tobacco Seized or received &c. May 23d read first time
Ordered to be read the said Bills here Vizt
The Act for the more Speedy bringing to Tryall and Sup-
pressing Criminals &c the 2d time read here; remark. The
amendment agreed on, that as to the proof of the fact
especially concerning Meate Stolen not to be proved or very
rarely, but by purging the Party and used upon Oath, It is
desired that it may be accordingly Provided for, either in this
Act, or that other against Hogstealers.
The Act for restraining the unreasonable increase of horses
&c. laid by till such time as the house have discoursed Coll
Darnall concerning his Demands
The Act prohibiting Arrests upon the Sabboth Days &c.
read here 3d time
An Act for Limitation of Actions read 3d time
The Act relating to the Seizure of Tobacco &c. read 3d time
The Act for marking high ways &c. with a Clause for a
fine on the Overseers for their Neglect read 3d time.
The Act for Securing Merchants & others Tobacco &c 3d
time read
The Act for regulating Ordinaries &c. read first time & laid
by to be Considered.
The Act prohibiting Commissioners &c. to plead as Attor-
neys read first time.
The Act Prohibiting Trade with the Indians; first time read.
The Act appointing Commissioners in each respective
County; first time read
The Act for Enrollment of Conveyances &c. 2d time read
this Especially to be indefinite
The Act for appointing certain Officers Ist time read; Re-
mark the Act of Parliament of England touching persons of
tender Conscience ought to be Considered and in no wise to
be Repugned.
The Act concerning proceedings at Law first time read.
The Act imposing a Penalty on all such who shall dispose
of Tobacco Seized or received pr the Sher: or others &c. first
time read.
These Severall Bills following Vizt for Amerciaments. Im-
posing a Penalty on all such who shall dispose of Tobaco &c.
Concerning proceedings at Law for Appointment of certain
Officers, for Enrollment of Conveyances &c Appointing
Coroners &c. Prohibiting Trade with the Indians for flesh
&c. Prohibiting Commissioners &c to Plead &c. for securing
merchants & others Tobacco &c. for Limitation of Actions &c.
U. H. J.