U. H. J.
In the Act for Marking high ways &c. a Clause to be Added
imposing a Penalty on the Surveyors as well as the Commis-
sioners and Labourers for their Neglect. A Law to be made
Restraining the Barbarous and inhumane usage of Negroes
and Slaves. The time for cutting Horses to be in Six weeks
after taking up, and their Stature to be adjudged by the next
Magistrate, a Law to be provided for securing their Majestys
dues fines and forfeitures &c. what other Amendments were
Treated of or shall be thought necessary the house is desired
to Consider of & proceed accordingly.
Signed pr Order John LLewellin Cl.
Adjourn for an hour
Met again present as before
Came Mr Boothby, Mr Wynn, Mr Dent, and Mr King from
the house with the following Message, which they Deliver &
retire Vizt
An Act for Appointment of certain Officers Endorsed 23d
May 1692 read first time
An Act Prohibiting Arrests on the Sabboth Days &c. May
23 read 3d time
An Act for Limitation of Actions &c. May 21 read 3d time
An Act relating to the Seizure of Tobacco &c. May 23d read
3d time
An Act for Enrollment of Conveyances May 23 read 2d and
3d time
An Act appointing Commissioners in each respective County
May 23d read first time.
An Act Prohibiting Trade with the Indians &c. May 23
read first time
An Act Prohibiting Commissioners &c. to plead as Attry8
read & passed the house the Ist reading 23 May 1692.
An Act for Marking high ways &c. May 23d read 3d time
An Act for Regulating Ordinarys &c. Endorsed May 23d
read first time
An Act Securing Merchants and others Tobacco &c. May
23d read first time
Brought from the house by Mr Wynn & Mr Dent these fol-
lowing Bills Vizt
An Act for the more Speedy bringing to Tryall and Sup-
pressing Criminals &c. Endorsed Vizt May 23d read the Second