U. H. J.
County, Mr Everdine, Mr Godwin, and Mr Huett of Somerset
County, Mr Warner and Coll. Codd of Cecil County disabled
and Expelled the house which was granted
Adjourn for half an hour
Mett again as before
The Speaker of the house came again and prayed Order
for Election of Another Burgess in the room of Mr William
Dare of Cecil County who was also disabled & Expelled the
house, Ordered that Writts accordingly Issue for new Elec-
tions as desired
Taken into Consideration what presents to make to the
Indians upon Ratifying and Signing the Articles of Peace now
ready to be tendered them Conclude as follows Vizt
To the Emperor of Pisscattaway six Coats Six Shirts, Six
pair of Stockings and Six Bottles of Rum for him and his
great Men.
To the King of Mattawoman, and of Chaptico, each of them
three Coats three Shirts three pair of Stockins and three
Bottles of Rum.
The Emperor and his great Men called in and the Articles
of Peace read to them as followeth Vizt
Articles of Peace and Amity Concluded and Agreed upon
by and Between the honourable Lyonell Copley Esqr Captain
Generall and Governor in Chief in and over this their Maj-
estys Province and Territory of Maryland and Othotomaquah
Emperor of Pisscattaway this 14th Day of May in the year of
Our Lord 1692.
Imps It is Agreed upon that from this Day forward there
be an Inviolable peace and Amity Between their Sacred Maj-
esties King William and Queen Mary and their Subjects the
Inhabitants of this Province and Virginia, and the Emperor of
Piscattaway upon the Articles hereafter in this Treaty to be
agreed upon to the Worlds End, to Endure and all former
Acts of hostility and Damages whatsoever by either party
Sustained to be buried in perpetuall Oblivion,
2dly: That if any Indian Subject to the said Emperor shall
hereafter chance to kill an English Man, the said Emperor
shall be obliged to deliver the said Indians up to the Governor
of this Province a Prisoner.
p. 609
3dly. Forasmuch as the English cannot easily Distinguish
one Indian from another that no Indian shall come into any
English Plantation painted; and that all the Indians shall be
bound to call aloud, before they come within three hundred
Paces of any English Mans clear Ground, and lay down their
Arms whether Gun bows or Arrows or other weapon for any