and relinquish the Sheriffs Place, and did not particular recom-
mend Mr Benjamin Scrivener the person now since made
Choice off to the Commissioners of the County Court, to Suc-
ceed him in that Office upon which his Excellency had pre-
ferred the said Scrivenr to the Same, He doth not think fitt to
revoke his Commission but recommends to the said Scrivenor
the Collecting of the said Browns Parcells and Arrears and
what other necessary Assistance he can afford him towards his
relief; upon such reasonable and modest terms as Conveni-
ently he can; Whereof Mr Tench is desired to Advise both
the said present Sheriffs and the Petitioner also for their better
Hugh Eggleston late Clerk of the County of Dorchester
appointed by the Commissioners, and since his Excellencys
Arrivall removed and another put in his room; Petitions to be
again restored to that Office, Alledging for reason, that he
had well and Submissively behaved himself to their Majestys
Government & never known or Suspected to be any ways
tainted or ill affected to the same, and for what reason turned
out he knew not, the said Petition Subscribed with the names
of Charles Hutchins Edward Pinder Thomas Ennalls Henry
Hooper Thomas Hicks & William Mishen Magistrates and
Inhabitants of the said County.
The Consideration thereof referred untill such time as his
Excellency shall have discoursed and Consulted the Gentle-
men of the Assembly Representatives of that County.
Mr John Edmundson of Talbot County Complaining against
Samuel Withers Gent. Sheriff of the said County for not Com-
U. H. J.
plying with the Publick paymts prays the Assignment of his
Bond in order to prosecute the Same at Law for Satisfaction
of his Damages thereby Sustained
The Consideration thereof referred till Monday Morning
Thomas Richardson of Baltimore County Gent, formerly
Deputy Surveyor of the said County Petition to be Continued
therein if the same shall be held fitt to be practiced, or other-
wise that he may be permitted to lay out and Resurvey for
the Inhabitants what Lands are already Surveyed, at request
of the People to avoid future disputes, and to ascertain their
particular Bounds and further that such Certificates as he hath
already in his Custody of Land by him formerly laid out and
(for want of the Office being open) by him detained may be
now admitted to be received and Entered upon Record.
Referred the Consideration thereof to another time
Came the Speaker of the house and prayed his Excellencys
Order for the Issuing out of Writts of Election of Burgesses
to Serve in the room of Mr John Edmundson of Talbot
p. 608