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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 157   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 14-Dec. 8, 1688. 157

Major Sewall returns having Delivered the said Message
Vizt Signed &c Mr George Robotham, Doctor Brookes,
Mr Harris & Mr Henry Hawkins with this Message Vizt

Lib. W. H.

Lower house of Assembly 15th November 1688.
Upon reading the Message of the Upper house Dated the
14 & 15 of November Instant in Answer to them say that this
house is very Sorry that the upper house has Conceived so
bad an Opinion of the Lower house as though they had for-
gotten their Duty or been unfaithfull to his Lordship and his
Government but this house do protest that they are and will
be always ready and willing to the uttermost of their power
to yeild a faire and ready Complyance in all Matters relating
to the honour of his Lordship and Wellfare of the People that
it may in no ways Intrench upon the Priviledges of this house
believeing it to be one Especiall point of their Duty to leave to
their Posterity what themselves have received and hope to
Enjoy, and whereas the said Message of the 15th of November
Instant is Concerning the Oath of fidelity
Resolved by this house that they are not Impowered to Act
with his Lordship or Upper house of Assembly in any other
Qualification or under any other Denomination then as the
Representatives of the Freemen in this Province in the
That this house will still Comply with the desires of the
Upper house in a Message from the Upper house dated the
14th of this Instant November and with their Answer to the
Same of this Days date that they are willing to take the
aforesd Oath of fidelity when the Upper house please to let
this house know of any Act of Assembly Imposing the said
Oath upon the Lower house of Assembly.
That this house is unwilling to be assured that the Upper
house will proceed no further in any Business till the farther
Complyance of this house as to the Oath of fidelity as in the
Latter part of the Message dated this Day as aforesaid. And
that the Upper house be desired to proceed to the Dispatch
of such Business for which this Assembly was Conveened.
Signed p Order William Dent Cl of the Lower house.

The Upper house Adjourned till to Morrow Morning 8 a

The Sixteenth Day of November 1688.

The Upper house mett again present as yesterday And Mr
Clement Hill goes with a Message to the Lower house which
is as followeth

p. 554

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 157   View pdf image (33K)
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