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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 156   View pdf image (33K)
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156 Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 14-Dec. 8, 1688.

Lib. W. H.

Mr Clement Hill returns and Says he has delivered the
aforesaid Message
From the Lower house of Assembly Came Coll Jowles, Mr
Underwood, Mr Leiffe and Mr Round and Coll Jowles desired
of the Secretaries that the Lower house might have the Jour-
nals of the Lower house from time to time ever since his Lord-
ships Dominion over this Province and they Bring with them
those two following Messages

Lower house of Assembly 15th November 1688.
This house desire an Answer to their first Message yester-
day sent by Mr Brooke and Mr Luffe relating to the Election
of Some Delegates that this house may proceed to Settle the
same for that this house cannot proceed till Satisfaction therein
be given.
Signed pr Order William Dent Cl of the Lower house

Lower house 15th November 1688.
This house have Considered of the Message this Day
brought hither by the honourable Clement Hill Esqr to which
they return Answer (with the former protestation of their
Constant fidelity to his Lordship) that they cannot find nor do
know of any Law of this Province nor any president of former
times or former Assemblies that any such Oath was ever
Imposed upon the Lower house of Assembly as they were the
Representative Body of the Province, But if the Upper house
know or have any Law Imposing such Oath upon this house
they are desired to Communicate the Same.
Signed pr Order William Dent Cl of the Lower house.

Major Sewall goes to the Lower house with this Message

Upper house 15th November 1688.
Upon the last Message from the Lower house by Coll
Jowles and others about the taking the Oath of Fidelity This
house do say that they Conceive the Lower house Mistakes
the intent and meaning of this house in the aforesaid Matter
for this house does not as an upper house propose this Oath
neither is it proposed to the Lower house as they are a Lower
house But to every individuall Gentleman that now are here
Assembled together, That they take it as they are Inhabitants
and Residents of and in this Province and no otherwise, This
house does heartily require the Lower house's Concurrence
with them in this; Assureing the Lower house that this house
will not proceed to any Business until Complyance in this

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 156   View pdf image (33K)
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