abuses in Tobaccoe Hogsheads, one other Act made the same
Assembly Entituled an Act limiting the Extent of Attachmts
& provideing what shall be leavied on Attachmts & Execons,
one other Act made at a Genrall Assembly held at the
Citty of St Maries the two & twenteth day of Aprill 1684
Entituled an Act against Excessiue vsury, one other Act
made at a Genrall Assembly held at St Johns the seventeenth
day of Aprill 1661 Entituled an Act for appointmt of Certaine
Officers Excepting the latter clause thereof relateing to
Sheriffs wch is not reviued, one other Act made at a Genrall
Assembly held at St Maries the tenth day of Aprill 1666 Enti-
tuled an Act prohibiting trade with Indians for any flesh dead
or aliue Except deer and Wilde-fowle the same & every of
them be & are hereby reviued & continued to stand in full
force & Virtue for & dureing the terme of three yeares or to
the end of the next Genrall Assembly wch shall first happen.
. An Act for advancemt of Coynes
Whereas by Experience it is found tht the want of ready
money in this province is a very great hindrance & much
imped by trade thereof & tht without ready money noe
Encouragemt can be giuen to handicrafts and tradsmen
either to come or continue in this province Be it therefore
Enacted by the Right Honorble the Lord Propry by & with the
Advice & consent of the vpper & lower Houses of this prsent
Genrall Assembly & the Authority of the same for the reasons
aforesaid & for the encourageing such as shall bring Money
into this Province That all Coynes (Except the .Coyne of or
soveraigne Lord the Kings most Excellent Majesty of Eng-
land) shall be advanced & paid taken & receiued by all psons
whatsoeuer for the full value in money sterling as by this Act
is nominated & Enjoyned (tht is to say) tht every new England