Assembly Proceedings, October 26, 1686. 141
Assembly held at St Maries the twelfth day of ffebry 1684
Entituled an Act concerning what shall be allowed to Grand
Juries tht are sumoned twice a yeare out of the body of the
province to attend Provincall Corts One other Act made at a
Genrall Assembly held at the Citty of St Maries the fifteenth
day of May 1676 Entituled an Act for secureing Mrchants &
others Tobaccoe after they haue recd it, One other Act made
the same Assembly Entituled an Act relateing to the seizure
of Tobaccoe by the Sherriffes, One other Act made the same
Assembly Entituled an Act for the publicacon of Marriges
one other Act made the same Assembly Entituled an Act
relateing to servants & slaues, one other Act made the same
Assembly Entituled an Act touching Coopers & gauge of
Tobaccoe Hogsheads, one other Act made the same Assembly
Entituled an Act for Easemt of the Inhabitants of this Province
in suits at Lawe for small debts one other Act made the same
Assembly Entituled An act for the Constables takeing the lists
of Taxables one other Act made the same Assembly Intituled
Lib. W. H.
an Act against the Importacon of Convicted psons into this
province, One other Act made the same Assembly Entituled
an Act for secureing Creditrs One other Act made at a
Genrall Assembly held at St Maries the twenteth day of Octo-
ber 1678 Entituled an Act regulateing Ordinaryes & limiteing
the number of them wthin this Province one other Act made
the same assembly" Entituled an Act for the better admcon of
Justice in the County Corts of this Province one other Act
made same Assembly Entituled an Act for Appeales & regu-
lateing Writts of Error one other Act made the same
Assembly Entituled an Act for keeping a register of Births
Mariges & burialls in each respectiue County within this prov-
ince one other Act made the same Assembly Entituled an
Act imposeing a penalty on all such who shall dispose of
Tobaccoe seized or receiued by the sheriffe & others, one
other Act made at an Assembly begune & held the sixteenth
day of August 1681 Entituled an Act for the ordering &
regulateing the Militia of this Province for the better security
& defence thereof, one other Act made the same Assembly
Entituled an Act for the better admcon of Justice in probate
of Wills granting admcons recovery of legaces & secureing
filiall porcons one other Act made the same Assembly Enti-
tuled an Act for the more speedy bringing to tryall & sup-
pressing Criminalls & limiting their punishmt for certaine
Offences when prosecuted in the County Corts one other Act
made the same Assembly Entituled An Act for prventing Vex-
atious & Vnnecessary Suits at Law, one other Act made at a
Generall Assembly held at the Citty St Maries the twelfth day
p. 291