p. 282
Mr John Colletts now in possession of John Mould and the
Land adjacant and one other in Gunpowder Riuer vpon the
point comonly called Westburies Point. In Tabott County a
port Towne or place at or neer the Cort House vpon the land
of James downes & the land adjacent to be called Yorke. In
the County of Somersett a Towne or port att Snow hill on the
land formerly belonging to Henry Bishop and last to Ann
Bishop his Widdow and one other in Arnold Erzyes land &
the land adjacent att Oyster Neck att the mouth of Monokin,
and tht all persons that haue already built vpon the said land
called Snow Hill shall Enjoy their lotts as fully firmely & effectu-
ally as any other builders vpon Lotts in any other Townes pay-
ing for the same as others doe. In dorchester County one in
little Choptanck Riuer att Nicholas Maryes poynt, to be called
Islington and one other in Hunger Riuer on the East side of
the said Riuer on Andrew Fusleyes Neck to be called Bristoll
and in the County of Caecill one Towne port or place in Elk
Riuer att a place called Caecill Towne at the mouth of Bohe-
mia River and that the Comissionrs in the said Act for
Advancemt of Trade Nominated or any fiue of them shall &
are hereby impowered to haue As full & ample Authority not
onely as to the purchaseing & surveying laying & stakeing out
Lotts but as to the doeing & performeing of all and euery
other thing & things whatsoeuer relateing to the new Townes
herein menconed as they had haue or were intended to haue
had by the aforesaid two seuerall Acts or either of them in
relacon To those Townes in the said former Acts menconed.
To all Intents & purposes whatsoever and tht the sd Comis-
sionrs in the said Act for Advancemt of trade for each respectiue
County nominated or any fiue of them are hereby Impowred
& Enjoyned some time before the twenty fifth day of March
now next Ensueing to meete togeather Vpon the respectiue
lands & places before in this Act before menconed to be new
added Townes or at some other place neere the same & to
lay out 100 A: of land in the severall places respectively for
Townes in this prsent menconed Act & to cause the same to
be laid out into lotts in such manner & forme as by the said
first recited Act is directed persueing & following in all points