Attachments And provided what shall bee levyed on Attach-
ments and execucons: The same And every of them Bee
and are hereby Revived and Continued to stand in ffull fforce
And vertue for and During the Terme of Three yeares or to
the end of the next sessions of Generall Assembly which shall
first Happen
Private Acts Made This Assembly
An Act for the naturalizacon of Nicholas Verbrack
An Act for Naturalizacon of Peter Bayard Arnoldas De-La-
Grange Peter Sleyter & Jasper Dauncres
An Act for the Naturalizacon of Jacob Seth
And Therefore Wee Command you that all these Lawes
and Every perticuler thinge Therein Conteyned att yor next
County Court or Any other Convenient place within yor
County you Cause to bee Proclaimed And firmly kept
Wittnes our Selfe Att our Said Citty of St Maries The 26 day
of Aprill 1684