Juryes That Are sumoned Twice A yeare out of the Body of
the prvince to Attend pro.vinciall Courts: One other Act
Made att A Generall Assembly held Att the Citty of St Maries
the fifteenth day of May: 1676: Entituled An Act for secure-
ing Merchants and others Tobacco After they haue Received
it: one other Act Made the same Assembly: Entituled An
Act for the seazure of Tobacco by the Sheriffes: one other
Act Made the same Assembly Entituled An Act for the pub-
lication of Marriages: one other Act Made the same Assembly
Entituled An Act Relating To servants & slaues: one other Act
Made the same Assembly Entituled An Act Touching Coopers
& gage of Tobacco hogsheads one other Act Made the same
Assembly: Entituled An Act for the Easment of the Inhabit-
ants of this p'vince in suits att Law for small Debts: one other
Act Made the same Assembly Entituled An Act for the Cun-
stables Taking the List of Taxables one other Act Made the
same Assembly Entituled An Act Against the Importation of
Convicted persons into this province: one other Act made
the same Assembly Entituled An Act for secureing Creditors:
one other Act Made Att A Generall Assembly held Att S£
Maries The Twentieth day of October one Thousand six hun-
dred seventy & Eight Entituled An Act for Regulating Ordi-
naries & limitting the Number of them within this province:
One other Act Made the same Assembly Entituled An Act
for Election of Sheriffs: one other Act made the same
Assembly Entituled An Act for the better Administration of
Justice in the County Courts of this province: one other Act
Made The same Assembly Entituled An Act for Appeale And