of the Council of Safety, 1776. 561
we are forced to make for our own hospital, as also enough to
make two for your servant, which may be returned in kind,
when convenient.
Decr 30th 1776
C. S. C.
[McHard to Council.]
Caroline County Decr 30th 1776.
I have contracted with Mr Potter to buy me all the Pork
that is to be had in this County he has ingaged to salt and
barrel all that he can get and he thinks it nessaserry to have
salt, therefore hope you will order him fifty Bushels, which
quantity he thinks he will want. I have likewise ingaged
with Mr Jas. Seth to get for me all the Pork in Talbut &
Queen Anns County, if he should want a little salt I hope you
will order him a little if he should want, I dont no that he will
want, for he has contracted to deliver it at Annapolis if pos-
sibly he can get it their if he cannot get it their from the
badness of the weather it must be salted over here, & barreled
& brought to Annapolis in the Spring. Your granting these
orders for the salt will much oblidge
Gentlemen, Your hble. Servt
Isaac McHard
N. B. Mr Crysale will se the salt measured & will take a
Rect from the Scipper for the Quantity.
[W. Lux to Jenifer.]
Dear Sir. Baltimore 30 Decr 1776.
Mr Hopkins waits on your Honble Board agreeable to your
own appointment, and I hope will obtain the result of his
wishes. He brings a letter from the President of the Con-
gress, and a copy of their resolve in his favor, which with the
service he has seen will I hope convince you that he is intitled
to a majority.
I have sent an acct of Solomon Alien's for 20 Bolts Duck
for the Defence, £ 150, he has applied for payment to us, but
as our accots were settled we did not chuse to pay it. We did
not know the quantity when we rendered our acct against the
Ship, it was entered by us, but left blank, for want of the
voucher, as he had removed out of Town. Pray settle it and
send the money by Mr Hopkins as he ought to have been paid
long since, I wish you many happy New Years and am dear
Sir, Your most obedient Servt Wm Lux.