of the Council of Safety, 1776. 559
not worth that money. But I beleve it was the Congrese
against the Province I was very canded a Bout the matter I
here the intend to aply to you for her I think you had best
spare her to them I dont think her the vesell that shee was
represented. I have her hald to a warf and hands at work to
get her ballase out. I have bought a good deall of Pork for
the Defence, and shall have the Brig redy for see as soon as
I can if you dont spare her to Congrese. Mr Chase told mee
to night that Congrase must have her. I have put her under
the care of Capt. Forsith to put in order a very good man.
from your humble Servt
Jesse Hollingsworth
[J. Hollingsworth to Council.]
Baltimore Decr 28th 1776.
I wrote by Stephen Steward acquainting you that I had
bought the fine Brig, but I think her a dear bargain.
I have got a well recommended Capt. for her, and Capt.
Forsith has bin this 2 days under his care if you keep her
from Congrase who I understand wants her you may send up
4 thousand Pounds by Wm Crokket who is a safe hand to pay
for ship and cargo. 2550 for the Brig and the fiting and
Cargo will cost the other part of the 4 thousand Pounds.
Pleas write me abot it, Mr Crokket can tell you more of the
Capt. than I now of him, nee recommended him to mee.
Excuse hast from your humble Servt
Jesse Hollingsworth
[B. Rumsey to Council.]
Joppa 29th December 1776.
To The Honourable the Councill of Safety of Maryland.
I do hereby certify that I am and have been for a number oi
years acquainted with Capt. Bennett Mathew, that during a
great part of that time he followed the sea and commanded a
Ship of which he was as I understood half owner, that I have
always heard that he had served a regular apprentiship to
the sea and followed it 'till a few years ago, when he retired
to a paternal estate, he has alway's born the character of an
expert and able seaman and on shore an honest man and it
the Councill of Safety will give him the command of a Gaily.
I am convinced he will acquit himself with such spirit, skill
and honour as not to discredit or bring disgrace on those who
appointed him, and that he will do his country all the service
in his power. Benjamin Rumsey.
C. S. C.