of the Council of Safety, 1776. 555
Officers in Col. James Johnson's Battalion of Militia in Fred-
erick County;
Philip Sower 1 Lt
Adam Morningstar 2 Ll
Michael Urnges Ens.
George Brown Ens.
Richard Butler Qr Master
Thomas Edison Adj'
Wm Beckworth Head Capt.
Bigger Head 1 Ll
Isaac Miller 2 Lt
Wm Ridge Ensign
Also to the following Persons appointed Officers in General
Johnson's Brigade;
Upton Sheredine Col.
Basil Dorsey Capt.
James Wells Lt Col
Joseph Hobbs 1 Lt
David Moore 1Major
Nicholas Hobbs 2 Lt
Ephraim Howard 2d Major
Nathan Manard Ens.
Charles Warfield Qr Master
Henry Baker, Capt.
Wm Brashears, Capt.
John Norris 1 Lt
Charles Crouch Stephens 1 Lt
Abraham Moore 2 Lt
Rezin Brashears 2 Lt
John Hinckell Ens.
Philip Turner Ens.
Henry Stephenson Capt.
Carleton Tanyhill Capt.
Charles Stephenson i Lt
Wm Pepples, Capt.
Henry Myers 2 Le
Simon Meredith Capt.
Wm Stephenson Ens.
In Col. Bruce's Battalion.
John Ross Key, Capt.
George Hawkersmith, Capt.
John Shields Capt.
Henry Williams 1 Lt
John Forris 1 Lt
Jacob Hawkersmith 2 Lt
Michael Hawkersmith 2 Lt
Christian Crabs, Ens.
Charles Robinson Ens.
Little, Capt.
Peppel, Capt.
Thomas Derbin 1 Lt
Peter Wetsel 1 Lt
Henry Firthhunt 2 Lt
Andrew Shingletaker 2 Lt
Conrod Sibell Ens.
Michael Furny Ens.
Adjourned till Monday 10 O'Clock.
[Council to Maryland Deputies.]
To Delegates in Congress
Gentn. We inclose you cases stated by Messrs Milne and
Jenkins who were taken by the ship Defence on their Passage
C. S. C.
No. 72.