554 Journal and Correspondence
[Wells to Council.]
Gentlemen Baltimore December 27th 1776.
I take this opportunity of informing you that I have launch 'd
one of the Row Gallies and that I shall push on the other as
fast as possible Please to let me know, how she is to be
masted, as I am informed that there is some sheet lead in
this Town belonging to you Id be obliged to you to send me
an order for same, as I want it for Scupers and magazine.
Please to send me per Bearer Mr Barry any further directions
or commands you may have for me which shall be punctually
observed by,
Gentlemen, Your most obedt Humble Servant
George Wells.
[Wells to Council.]
The Honble Council of Safety for
the State of Maryland. Annapolis
Gentlemen. Please to send me per Bearer Mr John Barry
the sum of seven hundred Pounds on account of the Row
Gallies, and alsoe the amount of the accounts for repairing the
old vessells belonging to you, which accts. he carries, and
you'll oblige Your humble Servant,
George Wells.
C. S. J.
Saturday, December 28, 1776.
Council met. Present as on yesterday.
Ordered That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to John
Barry for the use of George Wells ninety seven Pounds seven-
teen Shillings.
That the said Treasurer pay to Frederick Green One hun-
dred and forty four Pounds eighteen Shillings and two Pence.
That the said Treasurer pay to John Bullen twenty five
Pounds sixteen Shillings and Eight Pence: Also the further
Sum of One hundred Pounds.
Copy of Letter No 72 was sent to the Delegates in Con-
gress, Copy of No 73 to Mr George Wells, and Copy of No 74
to Brigadier General Johnson.
Ordered That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Mr
George Wells as much sheet lead as he may want for the
Row Gallies fitting out for the Defence of this State.
That the said Commissary pack up five hundred Pair of
Shoes in a chest for the Militia of this State now about to
march to reinforce General Washington.
Commissions issued to the following Persons appointed