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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 55   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Safety, 1776. 55

[Council to Nathaniel Smith.]

To Captain Nathaniel Smyth
Sir. Be pleased to send down immediately by the Tender
Resolution two eighteen pounders with Carriages, with Ram-
mers, Spunges, Ladles and Worms and a sufficient number of
Wads of all sizes with 500 five pound shot.
July 16 1776.

C. S. C.
No. 41.

[Council to James Johnson.]

To Colonel James Johnson
Sir. We are in want of about 20 4lbs Cannon, 20 3lb & 20
2lb and 40 Swivels for the use of the Province and desire to
know whether you will engage to furnish us with those quan-
tities immediately — if you can, be pleased to favor us as soon
as possible with your terms and the time by which you will
have them made, tho' it will be much more agreeable to us to
see you upon the occasion. We shall likewise want 200 Iron
Potts, some to contain 4 and others 2 Gallons, with Bales or
Handles to supply the place of Camp Kettles, and should be
glad you would advise us whether you could also cast them
for us and by what time, likewise the price.
July 15 1776

No. 42.

[Council to Committees.]

To the Committee of Observation of every County
Gentlemen. Inclosed we send you ihe declaration of Inde-
pendence and the Letter that accompanied it from Congress
to the Convention, Requesting that it should be proclaimed
in our Colony, we Transmit the Declaration to you that you
may proclaim it in your County in the manner you Judge most
proper for the Information of the People.
July 16, 1776

No. 43.

[Council to Harris.]

To Benton Harris Esqr Chairman of the Committee of Obser-
vation for Frederick County.
We received your Letter by Mr Smyly,and send you by him
the sum of 150[ ], currency to defray expences, for which you
will hereafter render us an Account. We send you inclosed
exact Copies of the Invoice that have been transmitted to us
from Messrs Vanbebber and Harrison, there is some variation
in the article of Powder, a deficiency of two Chests or pack-
ages of Arms — and a very large deficiency in the Bolts or

No. 44.

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 55   View pdf image (33K)
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